Thursday, January 14, 2010

Hidden Voices

If you try OutRun's Sound Test, you'll notice there are four voices you can apparently play. These are the speech samples Get Ready, Congratulations and Check Point. The forth sample, "Voice 4", doesn't work. If, like me, you've lost sleep over such a monumental issue - read on!

The elusive fourth voice is, in fact, still in the ROM files, namely those containing the PCM sample data. You can import these ROMs straight into a sound editor like Audacity and play them. I imported the raw files as PCM 8-bit unsigned, with a sample rate of 8000Hz. Note that the sample rate of the individual samples does differ though.

The 192K of sample data is stored across the following files:

opr10191.68 - This file contains Voice 4

These PCM files contain all samples from the drums used in the music, through to the sound effects and speech.

You can hear an mp3 I exported of the voice here. The voice is "You're Doing Great", and seems to be stored at around 4000Hz, which is a lower sample rate than the other voices, which are at 8000Hz. I imagine the sample was removed because the designers couldn't figure out a good way of invoking it.  There is already a voice at the checkpoint stage, which is the main way of determining your progress. Using the voice mid-level, based on your current position and time, could have created bugs or just not proved that compelling.

I should admit that I haven't debugged the sound code much, so a lot of this is based on pretty rough experimentation. I haven't delved into the code to see if it's easy to hook this sound up somewhere with brief debugging. There are certainly no high-level calls from the 68000 code, as I've listed every sound that can be played (and there are more than just those in the sound test). Looking at the Z80 code might yield more information. But I don't envisage having to port this directly, as I am planning with the 68000 code.

Update: Thanks to the JAMMA+ forum I've been informed this hidden voice is apparently used in Space Harrier. So maybe the OutRun developers started by using some of the Space Harrier code as a framework. Certainly some of the error messages are the same as shown in previous blog posts.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Level Select

Yesterday proved a little more fun. Whilst debugging the slave road CPU code, I figured out how to change the level order in OutRun. Using this, you could easily make a level select. Also found a way to have the road data from one level, with the object data from another. It doesn't always work, but does allow you to make some interesting permutations. Some level data for Stage 1 is also hardcoded, but when I finally rewrite the engine in C, this will be trivial to solve.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Slave CPU Code

Spent most of yesterday working on the code that runs on the slave CPU. On a positive note, there isn't much of it. The code is minimal compared with the main CPU. It's a loop that handles rendering the road. On a negative, progress is slow. I spent most of the afternoon trying to figure out a few hundred lines of assembler and now feel like gouging my eyes out.

Tuesday, January 05, 2010

Outrun Unidesa Manual

I've had no free time lately. But the following manual arrived in the post:

It's an OutRun arcade manual from a Spanish company called Unidesa (Universal De Desarrollos Electronicos S.A.) who seem to have licensed OutRun at some stage. The company still exists and has a website here.

I expected it to be a straight translation of the common English Sega manual that can be found at KLOV.

Whilst the manual initially does contain translations of the service tests and dip switch settings, it interestingly contains additional technical information not present in the Sega manual. Most importantly, it contains a fantastic diagram of the OutRun PCB, with all components labelled. If I had a scanner, I would scan these in, but for now I will simply list the additional pages. The diagrams are not hand drawn, like the English Sega manual.

1/ Video Board Block Diagram:
- Video board clearly divided into labelled components including ROM, RAM, Power Outputs and the explanations of what functions the other areas of the board performs. Each component is numbered.

2/ CPU Board Block Diagram
- Similar to the above. Divided into Main CPU, Slave CPU, Road Character Generator etc.

3/ General Wiring
- A superclear wiring diagram for the Outrun cabinet. This is far better than the Sega effort. Each wire leading into the PCB and other components is clearly labelled with its function and colour.

There are also a couple of detailed technical pages about the Hantarex monitor, that don't appear in the Sega manuals including a nice circuit diagram.

If anyone knows whether there was another manual to accompany this one, or has further information - please let me know.

Update: Here is a picture of the Unidesa white OutRun cabinet, via the JAMMA+ forums. The PCB is different from the Sega version, which would explain the alternate diagram in the manual. The game uses the European track layout.