If you're using the same revision of the ROMs as myself, you can trigger the sequences instantly in the MAME debugger with the following command:
w@60be8 = x; pc = 9978; g [where x is the end sequence number 0-4]
Animation frames are stored in groups of 8 bytes, and formatted as follows:
+00 [Byte] Sprite Colour Palette
+01 [Byte] Bit 7: Make X Position Negative
Bits 4-6: Sprite To Sprite Priority
Bits 0-3: Top Bits Of Sprite Data Address
+02 [Word] Sprite Data Address
+04 [Byte] Sprite X Position
+05 [Byte] Sprite Y Position
+06 [Byte] Sprite To Road Priority
+07 [Byte] Bit 7: Set To Load Next Block Of Sprite Animation Data To 0x1E
Bit 6: Set For H-Flip
Bit 4:
Bits 0-3: Animation Frame Delay (Before Incrementing To Next Block Of 8 Bytes)
Each sprite (or object if you like) is assigned an address containing the animation sequence data. The animation terminates when bit 7 of byte 7 of a chunk is set. Two other animations use the same format at the start of the game - the map waving the start flag, and the Ferrari driving in from the side of the screen.